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The server is ONLINE.

Welcome to the Worlio XMPP pages. Worlio is a community for the "oldnet" (a time before the smart phone), but our services and platform are available for everyone. badge

What is XMPP?

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, otherwise known as XMPP or Jabber, is an open protocol standard with a variety of utilities. For our purposes, it is an extremely reliable and useful messaging protocol for security and privacy with server federation.

Using our instance

Our XMPP service authentication is tied to our site system. You must register and verify your email address on the site. You can register at Making an account and using our XMPP service is completely free.

Once you have an account, you can reuse your site credentials on our XMPP to log in, with the exception of using your username instead of email. Your JID will be <Username>

Recommended Clients

These are clients for XMPP that we suggest you use, however the choice is up to you. You can also check out the XMPP Software list.

Platforms Features
Client Win Mac Lin And iOS Omemo MAM Calls Notes
Conversations Available on F-Droid.
monocles chat Available on F-Droid.
Monal IM
Psi+ ~ ~ Operators' Choice
Converse.js Web browser ? Worlio Converse.js page.


Our instance supports peering and communicating with Tor and I2P instances. We do not offer logging in via a Tor or I2P address, so your JID will still be from our domain. This shouldn't be used for additional security or privacy.

If you are connecting from a strictly hidden instance, ask your service operator to add a map. Examples provided are for Prosody and mod_deepweb.

onion_map = {
	[""] = "gaavkkdj6tpc6d27iq4omdk5o3ludg53xi4rmgpzwa2aobusb7bzudad.onion";
	[""] = "muc.gaavkkdj6tpc6d27iq4omdk5o3ludg53xi4rmgpzwa2aobusb7bzudad.onion";

i2p_map = {
	[""] = "qqd7un2h5y3d2k7hdnx2km2ywoks2vtqmc36pztssxyzpunpsmka.b32.i2p";

(c)2024 Worlio LLC.